Monthly DB: Welcome the New Guys
The past month has brought us some cheer, but none more so than some new games through Wii Ware. But at the expense, costing us some very important old school gaming time.
Number of Virtual Console Games released in May: 5
Total Number of Virtual Console Games released so far: 226
Number of Wii Ware Titles released in May: 10
Total Number of Wii Ware Titles released so far: 10
Number of Wii Channels released in May: 2
Total Number of Wii Ware Channels released so far: 8
NES games: 3
500 point games: 3
Most blocks: City Connection (22 blocks, 1 save block)
NeoGeo games: 1
900 point games: 1
Most blocks: Metal Slug (240 blocks, 1 save block)
N64 games: 1
1000 point games: Pokemon Puzzle League
Most blocks: Pokemon Puzzle League (258 blocks, 1 save block)
Wii Ware Titles: 10
500 point titles: 2
700 point titles: 2
800 point titles: 1
1000 point titles: 4
1500 point titles: 1
Most blocks: TV Show King (290 blocks, 1 save block)
* - The Dr. Mario Online Rx Friend Battle Demo will not count toward totals.
Wii Channels: 2
0 point Channels: Nintendo Channel
Most blocks: Nintendo Channel (122 blocks, 126 save blocks)