Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Monthly DB: Very Merry Month of May Edition

Continuing Quarter 2's Great Virtual Console run, May saw the release of many great titles on the Virtual Console. With a total of 12 games released from 4 consoles, May was very merry for Nintendo, and not gamers' wallets. Here is the breakdown:

Total number of games released in May: 12

NES games
- 500 point games: 3
- Most blocks: Mighty Bomb Jack, Ninja Gaiden (23 blocks, 1 save block)

TG16 games
- 600 point games: 4
- Most blocks: Ninja Spirit, Ordyne (26 blocks, 4 save blocks)

Genesis games
- 800 point games: 2
- Most blocks: Streets of Rage 2 (32 blocks, 2 save blocks)

SNES games
- 800 point games: 3
- Most blocks: Donkey Kong Country 2 (96 blocks, 4 save blocks)

N64 games
- 1000 point games: 0

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