Sunday, September 2, 2007

Monthly DB: Month of Metroid Edition

The month of August was dubbed "Month of Metroid" by Nintendo, releasing 2 Metroid games during the month. So, here at the database, we shall do the same. Although no single Metroid game makes a special appearance here, the Metroid Prime 3 Preview Channel added to Wii Ware is a nice touch by Nintendo. Here are the results for the past month.

Number of games released in August: 12
Number of games on Virtual Console so far: 136

Number of Wii Channels released in August: 1
Number of Wii Channels released so far: 3

NES games
Number of NES games: 3
500 point games: 3
Most blocks: Super C (25 blocks, 1 save block)

TG16 games
Number of TG16 games: 3
600 point games: 3
Most blocks: Neutopia, Cratermaze (26 blocks, 4 save blocks)

Genesis games
Number of Genesis games: 3
800 point games: 3
Most blocks: Shining in the Darkness (29 blocks, 3 save blocks)*

SNES games
Number of SNES games: 2
800 point games: 2
Most blocks: Breath of Fire II (77 blocks, 4 save blocks)

N64 games
Number of titles: 1
1000 point title: Wave Race 64
Most blocks: Wave Race 64 (97 blocks, 1 save block)

Wii Channels
Number of titles: 1
0 point title: Metroid Prime 3 Preview Channel
Most blocks: Metroid Prime 3 Preview Channel (70 blocks, 1 save block)

* - Shinobi III only has 2 save blocks, meaning it has less overall blocks

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