Thursday, April 3, 2008

Monthly DB: Out like a Sheep Edition

March came in like a lion for the Wii as Super Smash Bros. Brawl was released, and it went out like a sheep because nothing new of interest came out. Sure, the Sega Master System came out, but the rumored 400 points per game turned out to be a bust. Here's the breakdown of March on the Virtual Console:

Number of Virtual Console games released in March: 9
Total number of Virtual Console games released so far: 214

Number of Wii Channels released in March: 0
Total number of Wii Channels released so far: 5

NES games
500 point games: 2
Most blocks: King's Knight (22 blocks, 1 save block)

Sega Master System (SMS) game
500 point game: Wonder Boy
Most blocks: Wonder Boy

SNES games
800 point games: 2
900 point game: DoReMi Fantasy (Import)
Most blocks: DoReMi Fantasy (45 blocks, 4 save blocks)

Genesis games
800 point games: Powerball
900 point game: Puyo Puyo 2
Most blocks: Puyo Puyo 2 (35 blocks, 2 save blocks)

N64 games
1000 point games: Cruisn' USA
Most blocks: Cruisn' USA (72 blocks, 1 save block)

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